I create experiences that make technology understandable to as many people as possible.

Fernanda Abarca is a Senior Product Designer. She earned a degree in Digital Design and Systems Analysis and Development and a postgraduate degree in User Experience.

I started my career in 2006, still at technical school, where I was a scholarship holder specializing in recovering printed material. At the same time, I was also an illustrator and designer for the student union magazine. I worked in Graphic Design from 2005 to 2012, when I began my transition to a digital career as a web designer, and I remained there until 2015. I dedicated myself exclusively to my studies for 2 years and, in 2017, I returned to the market in the position of QA. Subsequently, I worked as a Front-End Developer on one-off projects and, in 2018, I focused my career entirely on Product Design following Lean Agile and Design Sprint processes.

I've had the opportunity to work for companies in various sectors, such as publishing, health, education, tourism, IT consultancies and banks.

In 2021, I was recognized as the mastermind behind the most accessible banking project for the visually impaired and was among the top three projects with the most detailed discovery and MVPs with the most results.

I have a blog called Designed by Fernanda Abarca (new content coming soon) where I talk about art, technology and design with good humor.

Hard skills: PC and MacOs, Adobe package, Office package, Filmora, Sketch, Figma, InVision, Maze, Survey Monkey and Google Analytics. Knowledge of Android Studio.

Fluent in Portuguese 🇧🇷 and Spanish 🇨🇱. Advanced English 🇺🇸.

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Check out my older projects and my social media profiles.